Hyperhidrosis, causes and treatment


Excessive sweating is a condition called hyperhidrosis and it is a quite unpleasant situation. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by intense sweating, however, when there is bad smell emanates from the skin, it is also characterized as bromhidrosis.

The role of sweat

 Sweating is a normal process that serves to regulate the homeostasis of body’s temperature. In cases of high environmental temperature, the water contained in sweat evaporates, which helps skin remain cool. Anxiety, menopause and fever can also cause sweating.  Sweat is secreted by the sweat glands, due to stimuli or hormones, and it is odorless. However, due to skin bacterias, the sweat may have bad smell.

What is hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is not a rare condition. According to studies, about 3% of the population has excessive sweat production. To a large extent, it is an inherited condition. Hyperhidrosis is distinguished in two main categories, the primary or idiopathic and secondary hyperhidrosis.

Primary hyperhidrosis

When the mechanism of sweat production is disturbed, the sweating rate goes beyond the normal rate, and thus hyperhidrosis occurs. The cause is believed to be the stimulation of the autonomic sympathetic nervous system, however the exact causes have not yet been identified. It occurs in healthy individuals and is usually aggravated in situations where there is intense anxiety or emotional stress. Hyperhidrosis is located in underarms, feet, palms and the face.

Secondary hyperhidrosis

Often excessive sweating is a symptom of various diseases, such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, various neurological diseases, obesity or even thyroid disorder. By treating and regulating the disease, which is the causative factor, oversweating subsides.


There are some surgical interventions and treatments that are promising and help in dealing with intense hyperhidrosis (sweat glands removal, iontophoresis, botox injections). However, some of these treatments pose certain risks.

   For non envasive treating of hyperhidrosis:

  • Maintain the hygiene in the areas where there is intense hyperhidrosis. Ensure frequent washing and cleansing of the skin so that there is no risk of microbial growth leading to bad odor.
  • Avoid deodorants and choose antiperspirant products. The difference is that the first ones reduce the unpleasant odors of sweat, while the latter regulate and significantly reduce the sweating rate.
  • Effective antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride and generally aluminum or titanium salts, which block the pores of sweat glands.
  • Choose light and cotton clothing and stockings.
  • Choose shoes that leave the feet to breathe.

  In Vita4you you can find a great variety of deodorants and antiperspirants for every need.

Iro Gounitsioti

Iro Gounitsioti

Msc, Bsc Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist specialized in obesity, diabetes management, athletic nutrition as well as in nutritional supplements.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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