What is teeth cleaning & how often should we do it?

γυναίκα οδοντίατρος ετοιμάζεται να κάνει καθαρισμό δοντιών σε ασθενή

For many people, teeth cleaning is part of their annual routine to maintain oral hygiene, while for others it is something completely unknown!

In fact, there are many who confuse dental cleaning with teeth whitening, which is a completely different procedure whose sole objective is to improve the aesthetics of the teeth by changing their color.


What is teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning or dental cleaning is a procedure performed exclusively by dentists, and should be repeated at regular intervals to maintain the health of our teeth and gums.

The main goal is to prevent the occurrence of caries, plaque, gingivitis and other oral diseases that can lead to significant complications if not properly treated.

Through dental cleaning, food debris and plaque are removed from the teeth, potential health problems are identified and, of course, our smile becomes more beautiful & bright and our breath fresher, thus boosting our self-confidence!


How is teeth cleaning done?

Before starting the cleaning process, the dentist carefully checks the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth and gums, in order to have a clear picture but also to identify possible problems that may even indicate the existence of a disease (e.g. diabetes).

After the clinical examination is completed, the teeth cleaning process begins. With a special scraping device that uses ultrasound, the dentist removes the calculus, and then with another tool removes plaque and debris from even the most inaccessible places.

This is followed by teeth polishing with a special toothbrush and toothpaste, during which the pigments are removed from the teeth, which then appear smoother & shinier and with a better color.

The entire process can take from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the needs of the person and the type of cleaning being performed.


Is teeth cleaning painful?

For most people teeth cleaning is a relatively painless procedure, with the result of the procedure making any minor discomfort seem insignificant. What one usually feels is a slight discomfort, but rarely pain.

There are, of course, also cases of people who find teeth cleaning painful, due to some oral disease, gum inflammation, dental hypersensitivity, etc.. In this case, the dentist can induce mild local anesthesia with a special product.


How long after teeth cleaning can I eat?

This is something that mainly depends on the methods and materials that the dentist uses to clean the teeth. For example, it is possible that the dentist informs the client that they can eat immediately after their visit.

However, it is usually recommended to eat food after half an hour due to the fluoride used during cleaning (e.g. polishing with fluoride paste), as it takes several minutes to be fully absorbed.

Regarding the type of food and liquids that one can consume after the dental cleaning, it is recommended to avoid excessively hot or cold drinks & foods (eg hot tea or soup) as well as very hard foods such as nuts, due to temporary hypersensitivity following dental cleaning.


How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

Most experts set as a general rule regarding the frequency of teeth cleaning, the annual or six-month visit to the dentist.

This is only a general guideline, as each case may differ significantly and individual needs may either require more frequent visits or even allow cleaning to be repeated less regularly.

For example, people with one or more oral problems (e.g. gingivitis, tartar, tooth decay) and/or an incomplete or incorrect tooth and gum care routine may need more frequent dental cleanings (e.g. every three months), which is decided by the supervising dentist.

In addition, smokers and people who frequently consume sweets and/or large amounts of coffee are also more likely to need more frequent dental cleanings to maintain oral health and a sparkling smile.

Regarding women during pregnancy, it is often recommended to avoid dental cleaning in the first months. This, however, is decided in consultation with an expert. In any case, if the pregnancy is planned, it is considered ideal to have a dental cleaning before conception, in order to optimally protect the teeth and gums.


Can teeth cleaning be done at home?

No matter how good a daily oral hygiene routine one has, nothing can replace the protection and results provided by a dentist.

Nevertheless, daily effort and adoption of habits that protect the teeth and gums, not only preserves the result of the dental cleaning for longer, but also protects to a large extent from the accumulation of plaque and the appearance of caries, gingivitis and other oral problems that can lead to terrible discomfort and complications (eg tooth loss).

woman cleanses teeth with dental floss while others offer dental products


What we can all do every day is to brush our teeth 2-3 times for at least 2 minutes, covering all the areas around the teeth as well as between them.

In addition, after consuming sweets, coffee or alcohol, it is good to brush your teeth, as these specific foods/drinks have an adverse effect on our oral health.

Experts recommend the use of an electric toothbrush, as it covers more areas without requiring much effort, compared to a simple toothbrush, and usually has a timer, helping to brush the teeth more correctly.

Alternatively, you can use a soft toothbrush – which should be renewed every three months or more often – and not neglect to thoroughly clean all the areas possible, including the tongue.

Afterwards, it is recommended to use dental floss to clean the places where the toothbrush cannot reach. Alternatively, you can use interdental brushes for the same purpose.

Next, using a mild, daily-use mouthwash – or even a special mouthwash if required – is considered beneficial for additional support of oral hygiene and fresh breath.

It is worth noting that in some cases, the dentist is the one to choose your toothpaste and mouthwash.


How much does teeth cleaning cost?

Teeth cleaning does not have a specific price but varies between a price range, which can vary significantly from country to country and from region to region.

Even within a particular dental practice, prices are likely to vary from case to case.

The only thing that is certain, however, is that this is a procedure that protects our oral health and keeps our smile bright!

Find at Vita4you.gr a great variety in products for oral hygienic!

Rita Gkatzouli

Rita Gkatzouli

Bsc, Pharmacist graduate of School of Pharmacy, AUTH. Specialized in Alternative Therapies, Homeopathy, Homeotoxicology, Bach’s Flower Remedies, Herbal Therary, Gemmotherapy. Blog Chief Editor at Vita4you.gr.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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