What is serotonin & how to increase it?

γυναίκα αυξάνει τη σεροτονίνη γελώντας στον ήλιο

Most of us have heard about the great importance of serotonin, also known as one of the “happiness hormones“, in our behavior and overall health!


What is serotonin?

A neurotransmitter and hormone, it is also called 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) and is synthesized in the body from the essential amino acid tryptophan.

It is produced in the gut and the brain, while it is also found in platelets and the CNS (Central Nervous System), influencing a number of physiological functions.


What does serotonin do?

This hormone is best known for its positive effect on stress management and maintaining a good mood. Adequate levels of serotonin have been linked to:

  • Feeling joyful
  • Calmness
  • Concentration

On the other hand, low levels seem to be related to depression and various anxiety disorders, although the way they are connected is not clear.

What is not widely known is that this hormone also contributes to various other body functions, some of which are briefly mentioned below:

  1. Sleep – It is involved in melatonin production and in the regulation of the circadian rhythm.
  2. Wound healing – It contributes to blood clotting when there is a wound, speeding up recovery.
  3. Gut health & digestion – It helps with bowel movement and exerts a protective effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, it stimulates nausea and helps to induce vomiting when something spoiled/toxic is consumed, so that it is easily removed from the body.
  4. Weight control – It reduces appetite and has been shown to improve glucose homeostasis while protecting against obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  5. Sexual health – Plays a role in sexual desire and function.
  6. Immune system support & Anti-inflammatory – Recent studies show immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, resulting in a positive effect on diseases such as: intestinal inflammation, allergic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS, autism.

Furthermore, it seems to support:

  • Memory
  • Bones
  • Eyes
  • Cardiovascular health


What is its normal range?

Getting a blood test to check your serum serotonin levels is an extremely simple procedure. However, defining a normal value range is a more complicated situation.

This is because serotonin values are affected by many factors, while it is very important to take into account the way the hormone is measured and the sample taken, and of course the complete medical history of the person.

In general, the normal range for serotonin levels is: 50-200 ng/mL (0.28 to 1.14 μmol/L), with many diagnostic centers setting the following as the desired range: 101–283 ng/mL.

It should once again be noted that the range of normal values may vary slightly between laboratories due to differences in measurement procedure and/or samples.


What are the symptoms of low serotonin levels?

Both low and very high levels of serotonin can lead to a range of unpleasant symptoms of mild to severe severity.

Low serotonin levels result either from insufficient production of the hormone or due to the body’s inability to use it properly and can be related to a number of pathological conditions.

Insufficient serotonin has been strongly linked to depressive behavior and anxiety, which can greatly affect daily life and even lead to very negative thoughts.

The most common symptoms presented are the following:

  • Mood swings
  • Intense sadness – feeling of hopelessness
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (eg indigestion)
  • Increased or decreased appetite for food
  • Craving for foods high in carbohydrates (eg sweets, starches)
  • Sexual disorders
  • Anxiety disorders (eg panic attacks)
  • Fear and restlessness/irritability
  • Compulsive behavior (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia and/or long hours of sleep)
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic pain
  • Memory problems


How to increase serotonin?

There are several ways that help increase serotonin levels, both natural and not.

In addition to taking appropriate medication, which should always be done in consultation with the supervising physician, it is possible to increase your serotonin levels naturally in the following ways:


1. Exposure to sunlight

The positive effect of sunlight on serotonin levels and human psychology has been extensively studied. It is important to take advantage of the bright hours of the day and not stay indoors for long periods of time.

It has been shown, in fact, that the seasonal depressive behavior affecting several people during the winter season is related to reduced sunshine. That is why in many areas they use as a therapeutic method the so-called Light Therapy which works through exposure to bright light, similar to that of the sun.


woman lying on grass closes her eyes at the sun

2. Exercise

Physical activity also appears to play an important role in maintaining normal levels of the hormone. Even 20-30 minutes of daily exercise can make a difference!

It is recommended to prefer some type of exercise the person is familiar with and that does not stress them. Whether it’s light aerobic exercise, weight training, a bike ride or jogging, exercise is sure to benefit both physical and mental health!

The following also seem to have a positive effect on serotonin levels:

  • Meditation
  • Massage therapy
  • Relaxing and having fun (e.g. hanging out with friends)
  • Positive attitude – optimism

The above methods help reduce cortisol levels and increase serotonin, contributing to overall well-being.


3. Diet

Another popular way to boost its levels is to eat foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for the synthesis of the hormone.

Some of the key foods that increase serotonin are:

  • Eggs (with the yolk)
  • Turkey
  • Dairy products (eg cheese)
  • Nuts – especially walnuts
  • Pineapple
  • Plums
  • Soy products (eg tofu)
  • Salmon, sardines
  • Oats
  • Seeds

However, this alone is not enough to achieve the desired result. In particular, these foods should be consumed in combination with some complex carbohydrate source (e.g. whole wheat bread, rice), for optimal results.

It is worth emphasizing that maintaining gut health and, in particular, a healthy gut microbiome is also of great importance. Therefore, attention should also be paid to the adequate consumption of foods with dietary fiber and probiotics.


foods that increase serotonin

4. Vitamins

Finally, there are also some nutritional supplements that are likely to contribute indirectly to increasing its levels, the main ones being the following:


Are there any symptoms from too much serotonin?

Although people are mostly familiar with the effects of low serotonin levels, a sudden increase on its levels could be of even more importance.

Serotonin Syndrome, i.e. excessive serotonergic activity in the nervous system, can occur both from an increase in the dose of medication that raises the hormone’s levels or due to the simultaneous intake of other drugs and/or nutritional supplements that have the same effect.

It is vital that the problem is detected and treated early on, as the overaccumulation of serotonin in the body can be the cause of many symptoms, ranging from mild to severe.

The most common ones are mentioned below:

  • Shiver
  • Intense sweating
  • Headache
  • Confusion-irritability
  • Muscle contractions
  • Diarrhea
  • High fever
  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Fainting
  • Insomnia


Serotonin Vs Dopamine: What’s the difference?

Many people confuse these two neurotransmitters, as they both play an important role in well-being and especially in mental health. Despite the many similarities, however, they also present several differences, especially regarding their functions in the body.

Serotonin is produced with the help of the amino acid tryptophan, while dopamine needs the amino acid tyrosine in order to be made. In addition, the first is produced mainly in the intestine, while the latter is mainly produced in the brain.

Although these neurotransmitters work in different ways, they both contribute to good mood and good sleep, as well as digestive health. In addition, their deficiency has been linked to depressive behavior and anxiety disorders.

However, the exact way in which their low or very high levels affect overall health varies significantly. Taking gut health as an example, low serotonin levels can cause constipation, while low dopamine can cause an electrolyte imbalance. The way they affect sleep is also different.

It is also worth mentioning the main effects of dopamine, widely known as the “pleasure hormone“:

  • Gives a sense of reward after an enjoyable activity/nice meal
  • Enhances motivation and joy
  • Promotes impulsive behavior
  • Supports short-term memory
  • Supports muscle function and coordination
  • Helps with sleep and learning
  • Contributes to the functioning of the kidneys, blood vessels and heart rate
  • Plays a role in lactation

In conclusion, the human body is an extremely complex system with multiple functions that depend on a number of substances, including neurotransmitters, which are necessary to maintain its balance.

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Maria Malteza

Maria Malteza

Malteza Maria, MSc, BSc Dietitian - Nutritionist, specializing in Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional Evaluation and Nutritional Supplements.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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