Intermittent Fasting: 10 Common Mistakes!

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What is intermittent fasting?

One of the most widespread trends in nutrition is intermittent fasting. It involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting, with “opportunities” for food being limited to specific time windows.

Usually, there are 8 hours during which meal consumption is allowed, followed by 16 hours of fasting. Some people choose to fast only 1-2 days per week (5:2 diet), but with extended or complete abstention from food.

This pattern seems to have several benefits for the body, such as weight loss, reduced fatigue, and improved health levels. Fasting forces cells into autophagy and repair mechanisms to address potential damage.

Intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating, appears to protect against various chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.

However, despite these benefits, careful planning is required, as many individuals make mistakes, either unknowingly or due to superficiality, leading to undesired outcomes.

What are the most common mistakes in intermittent fasting?

1. Choosing the wrong program for yourself

There are various patterns of intermittent fasting to choose from. It’s important to find something that fits your daily routine and lifestyle rhythms. Otherwise, you might not adhere to it correctly or give up on it.

The most common types of intermittent fasting are:

  • 16/8: You choose an 8-hour window during the day for meals, followed by a 16-hour fasting period, usually including overnight.
  • 5:2 Diet: You select 2 days of the week for consuming very few calories (500-600), while eating normally on the remaining days.
  • Alternate-Day Fasting: This alternates between days of regular eating and days where you consume only 25% of your daily calorie needs.
  • Eat Stop Eat: This involves fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week.
  • Warrior Diet: This involves eating very little for 20 hours and consuming all meals within a 4-hour window.

What to do:

Experiment with different options or time frames until you find what suits you best and makes you feel good.


2. You don’t make a smooth transition

If you were used to eating every 3 hours and snacking in between, abruptly adhering to an 8-hour eating window or complete fasting can be overwhelming and lead to hunger, impatience, and negativity toward the diet.

What to do:

Gradually transition by extending your fasting periods over time. You might start with a 10 or 11-hour window and have frequent meals.

3. Consuming too many calories

Many misunderstand the concept of this diet and end up overeating during the permitted hours, thinking they deserve it or that they can eat whatever they want. Others feel intense hunger after fasting and quickly consume excess calories unknowingly.

What to do:

Eat meals slowly, chewing well, especially the first one, as it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register fullness. Additionally, drinking water or tea before a meal can help you feel full more quickly.


4. Following an excessively strict diet

In the eagerness to lose weight quickly, some people consume very few calories. However, aside from rapid fat loss, this can lead to muscle and bone mass loss, something you don’t want.

Additionally, your body won’t receive the necessary nutrients, while there’s a risk of rapid weight regain once you stop the diet.

What to do:

Remember to approach intermittent fasting with careful consideration, keeping in mind your personal needs, preferences, and health goals.


5. “You’re not choosing the right foods.

Often, we delude ourselves into thinking that with this diet we can eat whatever we want. It should be obvious that consuming junk food, sweets, or processed carbohydrates (e.g. biscuits) and meats (e.g. sausages) will hinder your efforts for weight loss and a healthy body.

What to do:

Prefer foods rich in proteins, whole grain cereals, raw unsalted nuts, legumes, and of course, plenty of fruits and vegetables.


6. You forget to hydrate your body.

Water is one of the most important things that should not be overlooked or forgotten throughout the day. Drinking plenty of it, especially during fasting hours, will help you feel full, and your body will function much better without the risk of dehydration. (2)

What to do:

Try to consume 2-3 liters of water or herbal teas throughout the day (depending on your weight, the season, and your level of physical activity). If you find it boring or difficult, come up with smart solutions like adding pieces of fruit to your water or herbal infusions with herbs. Many people choose bone broth for its many nutritious benefits!

Note: Coffee dehydrates, so after consuming it, remember to drink a glass of water.


7. You drink soft drinks & beverages

If you’re one of those who believe that soft drinks or beverages aren’t a serious offense on a diet because they are liquids, we have news for you: they are some of the most calorie-rich and even with “empty” calories, meaning they don’t provide beneficial nutrients.

Furthermore, they have such intense sweet flavors that when the time comes to eat a piece of fruit, it will likely taste bland and less sweet. (1)

What to do:

Replace them with water, herbal teas, or smoothies.


8. You’re doing intense exercise at the wrong time

Often, those on a diet resort to intense exercise during the same period. However, doing so is difficult if you try it during fasting hours and far from the next meal. Remember that your body needs energy to perform well in exercise, and it gets that energy only from food. Moreover, it needs to replenish its stores after a workout program. (1)

What to do:

Exercise, but carefully choose the time to do it. It’s important not to exhaust yourself.

Note: Exercise is extremely important during fasting, as it helps maintain or even increase muscle mass.


9. You’re not getting enough good sleep.

Sleep is incredibly important for our body’s balance and health. It aids our nervous system and hormone secretion. Remember that the main purpose of a diet should be our overall health, and inadequate or disturbed sleep doesn’t contribute to that.

What to do:

Prioritize sleep and rest. Try to sleep at least 7-9 hours at night. Establish a routine and follow it, as it’s important to sleep and wake up at consistent times. Also, make sure your room is dark, and avoid screens 1-2 hours before bedtime.


10. You give up…

If you feel like giving up every time you make a slip-up, thinking that this diet isn’t for you, don’t panic. If you had a meal at the wrong time or indulged in unhealthy treats, it doesn’t negate all your efforts.

What to do:

Give yourself time to adapt to this new habit. Being too strict with schedules can lead to unnecessary stress. Therefore, maintain a level of flexibility or alternatively, try a different type of intermittent fasting that suits you better. Better yet, consult a professional for guidance. (4)

Remember: Expert opinions vary regarding intermittent fasting. It seems to have similar results to conventional weight loss diets, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Consult a specialist if you have any health concerns, and don’t forget that listening to your body is the most important thing!

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Pelagia Damianou

Pelagia Damianou

Bsc, Nutritionist - Dietician specializing in Clinical Nutrition, in Food Disorders in Children and Adolescents and in Nutritional Supplements. Certified Consultant of Vichy and La Roche Posay.



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