6 seeds that you have to try


During the last decade seeds have become very popular and they are used daily in breakfast cereals and salads. Despite the wide variety of seeds, each one has different properties and can offer many benefits to the overall health.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are one of the most famous seeds. They have a very high nutritional value as they are rich in fibers, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. They do not have a special taste, so they can be easily added to foods without altering the taste. By adding water, you can create a gel and the ratio seed to water is 1:9. They do not contain gluten.



Flaxseed is one of the oldest and best-known seeds. Rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, they can enhance nutritionally your salads and meals. They have high content in fibers, lignans and plenty of trace elements and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc. You can add them in yogurt, cereals or in pastries like cakes, bread and salads.


Greek seed, which is used in pies and traditional dishes for both taste and decoration. There are two type of sesame, the white and the black one, while also there is the sesame’s paste, which is called tahini. Sesame is rich in amino acids and when it is combined with foods rich in lysine, like legumes and nuts, the resulting proteins are of high biological value and availability. It contains phytochemicals with strong antioxidant properties, such as sterols and lignans. Sesame has high fiber and protein content, while it is also rich in omega-6 fatty acids (linolenic acid).


Pumpkin seeds

Rich source of non-heme iron, pumpkin seeds enhance the taste of your food and provide a big variety of nutrients. They are rich in magnesium, vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, that enhance cardiovascular and musclular function. You can use them raw in salads or roasted with paprika as a snack.


Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and offer high antioxidant protection. They enhance the appearance of skin and can be consumed as snack or in salads and pastries such as bread.


Cannabis seeds

Cannabis seeds are very tasty and rich in nutrients. They have a mild flavor and are rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, helping reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels, while also reduce inflammation and help treat skin diseases. They can be used in salads.


In Vita4you you can find a great variety of seeds.

Iro Gounitsioti

Iro Gounitsioti

Msc, Bsc Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist specialized in obesity, diabetes management, athletic nutrition as well as in nutritional supplements.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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