Creams for scars



Scars and skin marks are undesirable conditions, but most of the time is quite difficult to diminish them.

 Although technology advances have new methods to remove scars (Laser, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, injectable hyaluronic or growth factors, etc.), there is a wide variety of creams and patches that help prevention or even improvement of the appearance of scars.

  Skin injury mobilizes body’s recovery mechanisms in order to create new tissue and collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein which is responsible for the density and elasticity of skin. This process, depending on the healing ability of each person, may even lead to the creation of scar tissue or epidermal marks.

  If the skin is damaged it can never return to its original form and condition. The new tissue is qualitatively inferior, has no hair follicles and usually does not even produce melanin. Practically this tissue is more sensitive, less durable and need protection from solar radiation.


Scars and marks can occur due to various situations. The most common reasons are:

  • Trauma (chemical, thermal, mechanical cause)
  • Surgery
  • Acne inflammation

Creams and patches

  There is a wide variety of cosmetic products which help either preventing occurrence or to reduce the extent of scar/mark. Substances which have been found to help in better and faster tissue regeneration, resulting in the renewal of cells are:

  • Leaves or silicone gel
  • Saliva of snail
  • Vitamin E and A
  • Allantoin
  • Hyoscyamus oil or fatty acids
  • Copper oligopeptides

 In old marks and scars, the use of all of the above substances is for minimum 3-6 month period.

Gel or silicone sheets

  Silicone is considered as one of the best, so far, precaution measures for scars. It can be used after the wound is totally healed and it creates a protective layer on the skin in order to retain moisture and promote collagen production.

Copper oligopeptides

  They are mainly are used in products to prevent scarring but even help to remove old scars. They help in the regeneration of skin cells while also strengthen and accelerate the creation of healthy tissue. Additionally, they help remove the damaged scar tissue and promote regeneration of the skin.

Fatty acids

 Fatty acids and especially linoleic and oleic acid, help maintaining skin moisture, helping to regulate production of melanin in the skin and involved in the body’s inflammatory response to injury. They help to create a hydrated skin without hyperpigmentation. They are also used to “fade” old scars in combination with vitamin C, usually in keloid scars. Common oils used in cosmetic creams are Hyoscyamus oil and Wild Rose oil.

Vitamin E and A

  Vitamin E and A are antioxidant vitamins which mainly help to increase flexibility, strength and skin moisture. They should not be in contact with open wounds. People using creams containing Vitamin A should pay special attention to sun exposure.


  Allantoin is a substance derived from the roots of the plant Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis). It provides soothing, calming and keratolytic properties. It helps exfoliate the upper skin layer, thereby helping to improve the appearance and smoothness of the skin. Enhances cell proliferation and contribute to wound healing. It is used in many products for acne skin.

Saliva snail

  The secretion of snail contributes significantly to epithelialization, proliferation and regeneration of skin cells. It is a rich natural source of allantoin, collagen, elastin, glycolic acid and vitamins A, C and E. The saliva molecules are very small, penetrating the skin and helping to regenerate skin. It soften the appearance of keloid scars, acne scars and helps improve skin appearance.

 Finally, the use of sunscreen is essential, especially during healing and regeneration of the skin. The use of sunscreen helps minimize skin hyperpigmentation at the wound site, preventing additional growth of tissue. Recommended sunscreen containing zinc or titanium dioxide which effectively protects from UVA and UVB radiation.

In our store you can find a wide variety of creams for scars and marks.

Rita Gkatzouli

Rita Gkatzouli

Bsc, Pharmacist graduate of School of Pharmacy, AUTH. Specialized in Alternative Therapies, Homeopathy, Homeotoxicology, Bach’s Flower Remedies, Herbal Therary, Gemmotherapy. Blog Chief Editor at



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