Lack of sleep can negatively affect health


We all have pretty much heard about the need for having a good sleep every day. The role of sleep in health is not a new discovery, however, it is rather a luxury in the intense way of living we have. How tempting is the exchange of some hours of work and activity with a few hours of sleep? However, if we do so, there is always a price.

What is sleep

Sleep is a normal period where body reduces its basic functions and activities of the central nervous system while it is characterized by a reduced perception and interaction with the environment. This reduced mental and physical inactivity provide body the opportunity to perform some basic functions, like as to renew its cells but also to grow, especially if we are talking about children. For example, protein synthesis, muscle and tissue growth occur only during sleep.

Sleep and health

Many studies have shown that lack of sleep increases the risk of many chronic diseases and seems to be associated with lower life expectancy. Unfortunately, the cost of lack of sleep in health can hardly be estimated as many diseases are multifactorial (genes, lifestyle, diet, etc.). Nevertheless, the value of sleep is equal to that of nutrition and exercise in overall health.

Effects of lack of sleep

During sleep, many hormones are produced which are responsible for many different metabolic processes of the body, such as appetite regulation, mood, anxiety response and body immunization. Sleep apnea (sleep disruption during sleep) and insomnia are the two most common sleep disorders that significantly affect both duration and quality of sleep. Research has shown that reduced sleep duration and quality are associated with:

  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • depression and anxiety disorders
  • reduced libido and fertility
  • cardiovascular disease
  • cold
  • weak immune

How many hours of sleep do we need?

According to the latest announcement of National Sleep Foundation, the required hours of sleep, depending on age, are listed below:

 Stage Age Hours
Babies 1-2 years  11-14
Toddlers 3-5 years  10-13
Children 6-13 years  9-11
Teens 14-17 years  8-10
Adults 18-64 years  7-9
Elderly > 65 yeras  7-8

At you can find a variety of supplements for insomnia.

Iro Gounitsioti

Msc, Bsc Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist specialized in obesity, diabetes management, athletic nutrition as well as in nutritional supplements.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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