8 Types of salts and how they affect health


Salt is one of the most basic foods and its history is parallel to that of humanity. Historically, it has been used either as food exchange tool or in cooking and preserving food.

Salt is a natural element that is abundant in nature, both in water (sea or lake) or even in solid form in rocks. Chemically, salt is made up of sodium chloride (NaCl) and is one of the most widespread elements of nature.

Despite its usefulness, according to studies, nowadays there is an over-consumption of salt, thus there are efforts to inform and raise awareness of the world to reduce daily consumption os salt and salty products. In particular, according to EFSA, the daily intake of salt should not exceed 3.8g / day (1.5g sodium / day), calculated on 3/4 teaspoon of salt. But what types of salt exist and how do they differ?

Table – cooking salt

Table salt, which is mainly marketed, comes from the processing of natural salt after removing impurities. It is hygroscopic, as it can absord moisture in its molecule. In addition, substances that prevent agglomeration are added during process. The cleaning process by using chemicals, also removes natural minerals and trace elements containing naturally in salt (magnesium, potassium, calcium).

Iodized salt

It is a subcategory of table salt, except that iodine (5 mg / kg) has been added. Normally sea salt contains iodine, however iodine as long as salt remains in the salt pans, sublimates. Due to many cases of thyroid problems, the enrichment of iodine in salt is something widespread in most countries. It also contains a small amount of sugar, which prevents the oxidation of iodine.

Rock salt

It is the most consuming salt in the world (70%). It is solid and crystalline and has a salty taste. It is not hygroscopic at all, it contains magnesium, clay and calcium salts in its molecule. It is extracted mainly from the mountains (Alps, Himalayas) that were once seas and there is no chemical procedure of cleaning it.

Himalayan salt

One of the most popular salts worldwide, with pale pink color. Its color is due to its iron content. It is rich in minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, copper and iron and does not contain iodine. It has a strong taste and a crispy texture. In relation to the common table salt, it contains the same amount of sodium (98%).

Sea salt

Natural salt crystals that are collected either naturally from salt pans, after evaporation of seawater because of sun and air, or artificially. It is the most widely consumed salt in Greece and there are two types of sea salt the natural one in thin, coarse and crystalline form and the flower of salt.

Flower of salt (Fleur de Sel)

Subcategory of sea salt, mainly produced in a region of France in Guerande. It is extremely expensive as it is collected by hand from the surface of the water in the salt pans and it has not undergone any cleaning process. It is rich in trace elements and consists of crystals of sodium chloride along with trace elements such as fluorine, potassium, calcium and potassium.

Red salt Hawaii

Sea salt that has a characteristic red terracotta color due to iron oxides from volcanic clay. It has a strong aroma and taste. It is not very widespread and is rich in trace elements as it has not undergone any cleaning process.

Black Hawaii salt

Sea salt containing active carbon, hence the dark color. It is prepared in a natural way, like red salt and it is rich in trace elements.

In Vita4you you can find salt in various varieties and forms.

Iro Gounitsioti

Msc, Bsc Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist specialized in obesity, diabetes management, athletic nutrition as well as in nutritional supplements.



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