Myths and facts about green coffee


Obesity and metabolic syndrome are among the most common health problems. There are many natural components that help fight obesity and promote weight loss, like green coffee. Does really green coffee offer so many health benefits?


The green coffee is a special coffee variety.

Myth. Green coffee is the fruit of the coffee plant, before roasting. Because it has been treated with heat, green coffee seeds have a higher concentration in phytochemicals and antioxidants substances.


The main active substance of the coffee is chlorogenic acid.

Truth. Chlorogenic acid is a nutraceutical element which has been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. Although chlorogenic acid is found in many vegetable and fruits, green coffee is one of the most important sources that delivers about 5-12gr./ 100g. of product.


Green coffee does not contain caffeine.

Myth. Green coffee contains caffeine, as regural coffee. Thus, excessive consumption of green coffee supplements results in anxiety, stress, irritability and tachycardia.


Green coffee helps in weight loss.

Truth. The main active substances of green coffee is caffeine and chlorogenic acid. The two substances have been found to assist in mobilization of fat and transient increase of basal metabolic rate, facilitating thereby fat burning and weight loss.


In Vita4you you can find a wide variety of dietary supplementation with green coffee.

Iro Gounitsioti

Msc, Bsc Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist specialized in obesity, diabetes management, athletic nutrition as well as in nutritional supplements.



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