Cellulite - Slimming - Firming

Cellulite - Slimming - Firming

Cellulitis is the name given to the irregular appearance of the skin or as it is commonly called the "orange peel appearance" of the skin, which is due to the deposition and general accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body. ... Read More Ask a question
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Information - Cellulite - Slimming - Firming

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is defined as the irregular appearance of the skin, or as it is commonly referred to as the "orange peel" appearance of the skin, which is due to the deposition and general accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body.

Where does cellulite appear?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that there are two types of cellulite.

In the first case, it becomes apparent after applying pressure to the tissues, for example the buttocks (pressure between the thumb and forefinger).

In the second case, the skin has now acquired (without applying pressure) an uneven texture and "orange peel" appearance.

The most common signs are:

  • buttocks
  • thighs
  • belly
  • and the arms

Why do we have cellulite?

Let us first look at the problem from an anatomical point of view. After the epidermis there is the dermis (dermis) and below the adipose tissue that stores the fat. Subcutaneous tissue consists of fat compartments.

Consider the following: these compartments, as well as the connective muscle fibers that hold them in place in women, are perpendicular to the skin. Therefore, when the connective fibers loosen in women, the compartments of fat begin to push the skin upwards, which then takes on an "orange peel" appearance.


  • excessive sun exposure
  • or bad eating habits
  • the lack of exercise
  • and genetic predisposition

increase the likelihood of cellulite.

How does cellulite go away?

Since we realize that this is a purely aesthetic problem and not an unpleasant health condition, how can we eliminate it or even reduce it?

The reality is that there is no way to get rid of cellulite forever and everywhere. However, there are products that prevent or even limit its appearance.

The recommendation of course for:

  • exercise
  • balanced diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, Omega-3 fats, and antioxidants)
  • adequate hydration
  • is a "golden rule" for the prevention of cellulite.

Of course, as previously mentioned creams rich in ingredients such as caffeine, retinol, seaweed pulp, green tea that manage to:

  • stimulate blood circulation in the skin,
  • reduce swelling and retention,
  • tighten the skin.
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