CLA: The magic pill for diet?


Diet! The word that makes thousands of people panic. So many suffer because of deprivation diets, looking at the scale every day and wondering if the miracle happened while they were sleeping! Right nutrition and exercise are of course the key-elements so as our weight to change, but in real life most people are unable to adapt to such changes. They wish there was a magic pill that could save them from all the trouble.

Is there a magic pill?
Till recently man would think that it’s just another marketing trick, but now scientists come to shed light on this case! CLA seems to help in reducing fat in body! Although most of the research in the past was animal-based, lately the Scandinavian Clinical Research Group with Jean-Michel Caullier as leader proved that a group of overweight women lost 9% body fat in one year, without changing their lifestyle habits.
He says:”We really believe this is promising. It is the first time we have looked at the effects of CLA on body composition to get unequivocal results.” This study appears in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
In addition, another research from University of Pittsburgh found the same results (10% body fat reduction) in just 12 weeks this time!

CLA: What is it?
CLA is a fatty acid naturally found in meat and dairy products. However, these sources are rich in saturated fat and calories. That’s why it is mostly used as a supplement (pill or syrup).

How does it work?
According to Dr. Mark Stengler, one of the best naturopathic medical doctors in U.S., “CLA helps glucose enter muscle cells more effectively, thus preventing glucose from being converted into fat. It also helps fats get into the cell membranes of muscle and connective tissue, where the fat is burned for fuel”.

CLA in other cases
There is a lot of research around CLA. Apart from fat reduction, it seems to have these other benefits:
•    Reducing breast cancer risk
•    Lowering insulin resistance, thus helping in prevention of type 2 diabetes – the type of diabetes that is often associated with  obesity
•    Enhancing immune system
•    It helps in prevention of atherosclerosis
•    Increasing metabolic rate
•    Reducing food allergies

For athletes:
CLA is often used by athletes as it contributes in reducing fat and increasing both muscles and metabolic rate. This is a very positive benefit for all the athletes that want to improve their body composition.

What about side effects?
In Dr. Gaullier’s research some of the volunteers taking CLA had changes in cholesterol and blood sugar levels, but according to him “these changes are within normal physiological range”. Nevertheless, before taking any supplement you should always ask for your doctor’s permission.

In conclusion, CLA comes to help in the weight-loss effort, reducing gradually the extra fat and increasing metabolism! If you also have small changes in your lifestyle, the result will be even better!
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Pelagia Damianou

Pelagia Damianou

Bsc, Nutritionist - Dietician specializing in Clinical Nutrition, in Food Disorders in Children and Adolescents and in Nutritional Supplements. Certified Consultant of Vichy and La Roche Posay.



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