Bye bye cellulite!

Cellulite treatment, woman arm holding dry brush on her leg.

How many times have we wondered and looked for ways to get rid of unwanted cellulite! Diets, massages, treatments and cellulite are still there! But what exactly is cellulite and how can we get rid of it?

Cellulite is primarily a “female” phenomenon. According to data, 9 out of 10 women will develop some degree of cellulite, while men at a much lower frequency.

This is only an aesthetic problem and not a health problem. Two types of cellulite are identified. The first becomes apparent when you press the tissues, between the thumb and forefinger or between the palms of the hands – it is usually seen in women when they sit cross-legged. The second type and more advanced is when the skin has acquired an irregular texture showing the appearance of “orange peel”.

It is essentially a hardening of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, which loses its elasticity with a parallel swelling of the fat located between the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. Along with the deposition of fat subcutaneously (under the skin), there is poor lymphatic circulation in the area and deposition of fluid under the skin, resulting in the area creating small bumps which may be visible either after a sting or with the eye. . Typical areas of appearance are the thighs, buttocks, arms and abdomen.

Stages and types of cellulite

Cellulite is created gradually and usually occurs in postpubescent females. Initially it is not visible unless you apply pressure to the affected area. It exists mainly in areas where there is fat accumulation, without necessarily implying that the person has extra weight. That is why cellulite also appears in lean individuals (localized cellulitis).

The next level is the well-known “orange peel syndrome”. It is when cellulite is visible in standing position, without applying any pressure on the skin. If the deposition of fat and weight is large (obesity) then, the third and final stage is when cellulite is evident even from lying position (generalized cellulite). At this stage, cellulite may be painful and therapy is relatively difficult.


Cellulite is due to the relaxation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue architecture, in combination with the fat that is deposited there. It can be hard, soft or swollen (swollen). Hard cellulite is seen in young women who exercise regularly, soft cellulite is more common in sedentary women who have recently lost weight, and edematous in women who are overweight.

After the skin there is the dermis and below the fatty tissue that stores fat. The subcutaneous tissue that all humans have is designed to have fat-free compartments. In women, these compartments are perpendicular to the skin. There are connective muscle fibers (composed mainly of collagen), perpendicular to the surface of the skin and enclose the fat cells. Men are fortunate that the fibers of this connective tissue are cross-linked, keeping the fat firmly in its compartments.

When the connective fibers in women loosen then the fat compartments begin to push up on the skin which thus acquires the appearance of an orange peel – in men this is not easily due to the reticulated architecture of their adipose tissue. It is believed that the difference between the sexes is regulated by estrogen in order to store fat faster in women during pregnancy. With age, cellulite gets worse because collagen, the main protein in the connective tissue that keeps skin firm and youthful, begins to shrink.

The tendency of women to develop cellulite in the thighs and buttocks is related to the abundance of certain receptors in these areas, which are called adrenergic receptors. There are two types of adrenergic receptors: alpha and beta. Alpha receptors, when stimulated, promote fat storage while beta receptors dissolve fat. Women have a high ratio of alpha to beta receptors (9 to 1 while men have 1 to 1) and thus have a tendency to store fat in these areas.

Although the reasons of having cellulite are not well known, main contributing factors are:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Reduced physical activity
  • Inheritance
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Bad blood and lymph circulation
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy


Cellulite treatment is one of the burning issues of aesthetics. There is no single way to completely and permanently eliminate cellulite, so the first and foremost concern is either to prevent it from appearing or not to make it worse. Sun exposure, smoking (breaks down collagen), poor diet and lack of exercise can predispose you to cellulite, even if you do not have a strong genetic predisposition.

However, if you can break down the fat in the vertical fiber compartments, you will benefit. By reducing these compartments, they will put less pressure on the skin. In addition, you will benefit if you increase blood circulation to the affected areas.


There are no foods that create or eliminate cellulite. However, a balanced diet plays a very crucial role in prevention. Fruits, vegetables, rich in antioxidant vitamins and fibers and omega fatty acids should have a place in our daily diet. Very important also is water consumption in order to ensure hydration. Tip! Reduce animal proteins, simple sugars and alcohol consumption.

Anti-cellulite creams, gels and oils

Application of specific cosmetic products in the affected area can significantly improve the undesired appearance of cellulite. Most commercial creams contain substances that:

  • Stimulate blood circulation, thus ensuring better circulation of lymph
  • Reduce fluid retention, helping to reduce swelling and puffiness locally
  • Strengthen skin’s layers
  • Assist fat burning through massage and improvement of local microcirculation

Substances and herbs that have been found to help reduce cellulite and usually exist in cosmetic products are caffeine, mud from alga, retinol, ginger, black pepper, green tea and several herb oils (castor oil).

Lymphatic massage

The lymphatic massage is intended to improve circulation of lymph in order to reduce local water retention and accumulation of toxins. It invigorates muscles and tones the skin while also improves the elasticity of connective tissue.


Mesotherapy consists of injecting some substances (caffeine, hormones, enzymes and plant extracts) into the skin with very fine needles which improve local circulation and reduce the accumulation of local fat. It is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment. Stimulates collagen production, breaks down cellulite, improves blood circulation and promotes lymphatic and venous drainage.


Laser and light devices, depending on their wavelength, emit energy to the skin, warming the local tissue and can stimulate collagen remodeling and increase microcirculation. The impact of these devices is not very significant in terms of lipolysis but they can significantly improve the appearance of the skin.


In addition to diet, also lifestyle seems to affect the appearance of cellulite. Reduced physical activity and sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the likelihood of having cellulite. Regular exercise causes stimulation of blood circulation, strengthens connective tissue, so cellulite is reduced and gradually there is an improvement the skin’s texture and appearance.

At a wide variety of products for the treatment of cellulite!


  1. Dietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology.
  2. Cellulite in menopause.
  3. Adrenergic control of lipolysis in women compared with men.
  4. Treatment for cellulite.
Rita Gkatzouli

Rita Gkatzouli

Bsc, Pharmacist graduate of School of Pharmacy, AUTH. Specialized in Alternative Therapies, Homeopathy, Homeotoxicology, Bach’s Flower Remedies, Herbal Therary, Gemmotherapy. Blog Chief Editor at



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