Organic food: Is it that important?


Organic food or as our grandparents called it: Food! Unfortunately this is how things are˙ something once considered to be normal and given, nowadays is luxury, hip and-let’s be honest- for some people “overdone”! So many will say that nothing happened to them, while eating conventional – ironic if you think that most of them end up with a bunch of pills under their pillow, wondering what goes wrong.

  Of course, it is not food the one and only reason for a disease to occur, but certainly is one of the factors that play important role for it. After all, if there is something we can change, if there is something that depends on us and not our genes or the air we breathe, then this is food!

  Let’s start from this! We all hear about right nutrition, what is good and what is not, which the suitable portion sizes are and how many hours shall we workout per week. However, today we reach to a point that counting calories, looking for what is “light” and what “fat-free” is pointless! And this happens because what really matters is the quality of the food! To be able to look at the ingredients and find something you know and not 10 series of preservatives in beyond understanding language!

Organic food: what is it?

The word “organic” refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as vegetables, fruits and grains. The same is with stockbreeders that want to produce organic meat and dairy. In organic farming farmers don’t use conventional methods to fertilize and control weeds.

Organic plants have to:

  • grow in safe soil
  • have no modifications – be GMO-free (GMO= Genetically modified organisms)
  • remain separate from conventional products
  • be free from synthetic pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers

Organic animal products (e.g. eggs, dairy and meat) must come from animals that:

  • have access to the outdoors
  • are given organic feed
  • are not given antibiotics, growth hormones or any animal-by-products.

Organic farming methods are designed in a way that helps soil and water conservation and reduce pollution.

Organic food benefits at a glance:

  1. They are free of dangerous pesticides and hormones.
  2. They are fresher, because they don’t have many preservatives in order to last longer 9as this is the case with conventional food).
  3. The taste better.
  4. They are GMO-free.
  5. Animals are not given antibiotics, whereas are fed with organic food. This is very important if you think that 80% of antibiotics produced in U.S goes to animals that are lined up for consumption.
  6. They don’t pollute the environment around them.

Organic beauty-products

  Usually, when women hear about organic beauty-products sulk and immediately exclaim: “That’s profligacy”! However, if you think of it, skin is the biggest organ of human body˙ whatever we put on it, is absorbed and a big part of it ends up in our blood circulation! So, it’s really important not to be interested only in the visual outcome, but also in what a product has to offer generally.

  All in all, organic products come to remind us the old days, when tomato smelled like tomato and not like plastic! When our grandmas used to make beauty products with what they had in their kitchen, without losing their minds over celebrities’ Photoshop in advertisements! Let’s reconsider then our options and choose logically how to treat our health!

Find organic foods here!

Pelagia Damianou

Pelagia Damianou

Bsc, Nutritionist - Dietician specializing in Clinical Nutrition, in Food Disorders in Children and Adolescents and in Nutritional Supplements. Certified Consultant of Vichy and La Roche Posay.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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