Postbiotics: Are They the New Probiotics?


The benefits of probiotics and prebiotics for the human body are well known and research is constantly demonstrating their properties. The modern study has focused on the new generation of postbiotics or otherwise postbiotics!

What are postbiotics?

Postbiotics or metabiotics are products produced after the action of probiotics. They may be enzymes, peptides (p40, p75, lactocepin, muropeptides), polysaccharides (polysaccharides A, exocloysaccharide), organic acids (teichoic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, fulvic and humic acid). Short chain fatty acids (butyric acid, acetate, propionate), bacteriophins (acidophilin, bifidine, reuterin), vitamins (B, K), hydrogen peroxide, indole.

What are the sources of postbiotics?

In addition to the natural process of producing them through probiotics, and dietary supplements that provide ready-made metabolic components (eg butyric acid), the following natural foods contribute to the further production of the metabolites: spirulina, chlorella, fungi Mycelium, apple vinegar, kephir.

What is their difference from probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics are living microorganisms that can alter the microflora of the human body (the so-called host microbiota). Prebiotics are polysaccharides, predominantly indigestible plant fibers that act as a substrate for the action of probiotics. Metabolic counterparts are not living elements but are the final derivatives of probiotic activity.

What are the benefits of postbiotics?

  • It is the continuation of the action of probiotics, namely “good” bacteria. The metabolites can mimic the effects of probiotics. For example, the metabolic lactic acid bacteria have many benefits for the microbe, such as the removal of heavy metals from the body and the reduction of viruses and toxins. An important advantage of the use of postbiotics instead of probiotics is that they first mimic the beneficial and therapeutic effects of probiotics. At the same time, the risk of giving live microorganisms to patients who can not tolerate them, such as patients with an immune intestinal barrier (eg premature infants) or attenuated immune defense (eg immunocompromised), is avoided.


  • Reduce the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Both beneficial and harmful bacteria co-exist in the human body. Postbiotics may have antimicrobial properties and act to strengthen the immune system against pathogens. They reduce pH and increase alkalinity, thus making survival of pathogens difficult. Studies have shown that they act against pathogens such as listeria monocytogenes, clostridium perfringens, salmonella enterica and escherichia coli.


  • Reduce inflammation. Postbiotics – in particular short chain fatty acids such as acetic, butyric and propionic acid – have been found to reduce inflammation and can be particularly beneficial for the treatment of irritable bowel, bowel inflammation, intestinal dysbiosis and the bacterial overgrowth of the intestine (SIBO). In addition, they are associated with a lower incidence of cancer in the large intestine. Studies show that in some cases, when probiotics do not help or can not be administered to patients with inflammatory bowel conditions, Postbiotics may be a safe alternative especially to the acute inflammatory phase.


  • Adjustment of glucose levels and prevention of diabetes. The use of metabiotics is associated with the reduction in blood glucose levels in obese adults who are in pre-diabetic stage. Postbiotics appear to have antidiabetic effects because they improve the use of insulin by the body. Research has shown that the mechanisms of action of the metabolites include reducing inflammation in adipose tissue and reducing insulin resistance.


It remains to be seen in what ways science will be able to integrate Postbiotics into our lives!

At you can find nutritional supplements with probiotics, prebiotics and metabotics.




Efi Daskalou

Efi Daskalou

PhD, MSc, BSc Dietitian - Nutritionist specializing in Nutritional Assessment, Child Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements. Associate of, Nutrition Advisor on Dietary Supplements, content editor of the "Ask the Experts" column.



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