Hair loss: 10 possible causes & treatment

γυναίκα με πλούσια μαλλιά που αντιμετώπισε την τριχόπτωση

Hair loss is a condition that afflicts many men and women, and unfortunately every autumn this phenomenon becomes even more intense. However, there are not a few who have a serious problem of hair loss for years or experience severe hair loss suddenly.

Why does our hair fall out, when should we worry and what methods of treatment are there?

What causes hair loss?

Some of the most likely causes of hair loss are (1):

  1. Change of season (seasonal hair loss)
  2. Heredity (androgenetic alopecia)
  3. Nutritional deficiencies
  4. Hormonal changes (eg thyroid problems)
  5. Intense body stress (e.g. after childbirth, illness, psychological stress)
  6. Alopecia areata
  7. Age
  8. Wrong hair care
  9. Scalp infection
  10. Medication

1. Change of season

Although it is normal to lose 50-100 hairs daily, in the autumn months it can increase even more. Seasonal hair loss, as it is known, is not a serious cause for concern as it usually lasts for 2 months and is reversible.

woman with seasonal hair loss lyes on autumn leaves

2. Heredity

It is probably the most common cause of hair loss in men and women, also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is due to genes that cause hair follicles to shrink, while over the years the hairs stop growing. This shrinkage is likely to begin quite early – in some even as early as adolescence – although in most it begins later in adulthood. (1)

In men, androgenetic alopecia begins with receding of the frontal hairline (ie at the front of the head, above the forehead) or with a bald spot on the top of the head.

In contrast, diffuse scalp thinning and hair thinning is observed in women. Most women detect this change after their 40s, while men much younger.(2)


3. Nutritional deficiencies

Often, a poor diet or even strict diets can result in severe nutrient deficiencies, including (2):

  • Proteins
  • Vitamins, such as A, B (mainly B2, B12, biotin, folate), C, E and D
  • Metals and trace elements, such as iron, selenium, zinc

Relevant blood tests can easily detect any insufficient levels of these.

Also, women with heavy menstrual flow usually have a lack of iron and are often led to hair loss.


4. Hormonal changes 

Hormonal imbalance is another cause of hair loss, especially in women. It is often found in situations such as:

  • Thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
  • Menopause (estrogen drop)
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Intense stress (e.g. increased cortisol)


5. Intense body stress

Some situations are quite stressful and demanding for the body, resulting in hair loss. Perhaps the most common case is postpartum hair loss, where often and due to hormonal changes, most new mothers will notice a severe hair loss.

Other cases can be a surgery, a serious infection or illness and usually here the hair loss (telogen trichorrhoea) is seen 2-3 months after the stressful event, when the hair cycle changes.(3)

In these cases we often see hair on the pillow, hairbrush or wash basin and not entire bald patches as in other situations.


6. Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata often starts quite suddenly and is characterized by one or more small bald spots. It is considered an autoimmune condition, since the body itself attacks its hair follicles, often not only on the scalp, but also in other places, e.g. eyelashes, eyebrows, etc. (1,3).

In most cases, the hair will grow back, although it will be thinner and lighter in color at first.(2)


7. Age

As we age many of our functions slow down. The same applies to our hair! Hair growth starts to become slower and slower, our hair thinner and sparser (1). At the same time, their color also begins to decrease, becoming grayer and finally white.

8. Wrong hair care

Some things may have become a habit when it comes to hair care, but that doesn’t mean it’s right! Some “bad” habits that can trouble your hair over the years are:

  • The intense grip of hair with rubber bands.
  • The use of strong products such as dyes, sprays, gels, etc.
  • Electrical appliances, such as hair straighteners or hair dryers.


9. Scalp infection

There are times when a fungus can infect the scalp, a condition also known as Tinea capitis. As a result, the scalp may begin to peel or flakes might occur, along with itching and hair breakage. This case is also quite common in children.(3,4)

If left untreated it can lead to small bald spots with pus.(4)


10. Medication

Hair loss can also be a side effect of some medications from strong treatments, contraceptives, treatments for hypertension, etc. (2). Read the medication leaflet about the possibility of such side effect or tell your doctor about it.


Hair loss treatment

Depending on the cause of hair loss, the approach is different.

If the problem is mild and is due to the seasonal change, a nutritional deficiency or incorrect hair care, it can be easily treated with proper nutrition, choosing the right products and changing some of our habits.


1. Vitamins for hair loss

The micronutrients that contribute to healthy hair growth and that can be found in almost all food supplements for hair loss are:

  • Vitamins A and D
  • B vitamins (biotin, B12, B6, folate)
  • Antioxidants (vitamins C, E)
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Amino acids (cysteine, methionine)

Especially, if anemia or iron deficiency coexists, you should emphasize the supplementary intake of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

foods to treat hair loss

2. Special Products

If hair loss is severe and you see that your hair has lost its healthy appearance, the combination of the following products will help:

  • Hair loss ampoules 
  • Special treatment shampoo
  • Lotion

Ampoules or some lotion for hair loss are often recommended by dermatologists and pharmacists as a treatment. In most cases, the recommended duration of application is 3 months, followed by a maintenance period. It is good, in order to see a visible result, to stay true to the instructions and duration of use of the product.

At the same time, hair loss shampoos are also recommended, which have a complementary (auxiliary) effect and are not a hair loss treatment in themselves!


3. Natural treatment

Not a few have heard of various herbs that can help our hair, while they often search for the best oil for hair loss.

Natural oils

Among the most well-known oils for strong hair are:

  • Castor oil
  • Laurel oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Argan oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Almond oil


Essential oils 

Furthermore, there are also very beneficial essential oils that are traditionally used for hair loss, once dissolved in one of the above oils. The best known herbs are (5):

  • Rosemary
  • Cedar
  • Geranium 
  • Lavender
  • Sandalwood
  • Clary sage


Foods for hair loss

In addition, proper nutrition plays a prominent role in order to ensure all that is needed for healthy hair.

Foods that can help promote healthy hair growth are (6):

  • Whole grains
  • Fruit with peel
  • Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Fatty fish (e.g. salmon)
  • Avocado
  • Dark green vegetables (eg spinach, nettle)
  • Oysters and other shellfish
  • Legumes
  • Blueberries


4. See your doctor

Depending on the symptoms you notice, you may need to visit a dermatologist or a pathologist.

If the hair loss is severe and you detect additional symptoms, apart from a few hairs on your pillow e.g. bald spots on the scalp, trichotillomania, severe hair thinning, flakes or itching, then a specialist dermatologist will be able to diagnose you by doing additional checks and tests, such as:

  • Clinical examination
  • Pull test
  • Trichoscopy
  • Trihorizontogram

Depending on the results, he will suggest the appropriate treatment.

If you still have symptoms such as severe fatigue, sleepiness and dizziness, then you may need blood tests from a doctor or endocrinologist to detect any hormonal disorders or nutritional deficiencies.

Pelagia Damianou

Pelagia Damianou

Bsc, Nutritionist - Dietician specializing in Clinical Nutrition, in Food Disorders in Children and Adolescents and in Nutritional Supplements. Certified Consultant of Vichy and La Roche Posay.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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  1. Joe Goldberg says:

    The treatment options for baldness can vary depending on the underlying cause, and they may be different for men and women. I’ve always wished I had long, lush hair, and your article is a goldmine of tips for encouraging quick hair development. I can’t wait to use these suggestions in my hair care regimen. Take tablets containing amla or massage amla oil over your scalp.Because of its calming and hydrating qualities, aloe vera may help maintain a healthy scalp. It is thought that rosemary oil enhances circulation and promotes hair development. In addition to having a cooling effect, peppermint oil may encourage blood flow to the scalp. Because of its conditioning qualities, hibiscus may be able to stop hair loss.


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