Water retention: Get rid of it naturally!

Flat belly.

Water retention (fluid retention) is a complex biological mechanism that can mean much more than we think. Behind the simple discomfort of feeling bloated are subtle mechanisms that are activated in response to various internal and external influences. But how is water retention caused and how can you get rid of it naturally?

What does water retention feel like?

Fluid retention is a fairly common condition that is found mainly in women and concerns the excessive accumulation of fluid in the circulatory system, tissues and other cavities of the body. [1] [2]

This happens when the balance between the fluids that the body receives and eliminates is disturbed.

The fluid balance in our body is a complex and strictly regulated system, which includes the action of various hormones, the loss of fluids through urine and sweat, as well as the intake of nutrients and water through the daily diet (e.g. sodium, potassium). [1] [2]

Water is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body, as humans are about 70% water. It is present inside and outside our cells, in the blood, in the muscles and in every organ. For this reason, it is very important to have a balance of its levels in our body.


Symptoms of water retention

Fluid retention can lead to swelling of one or more parts of the body and is usually seen on the legs, ankles, arms, abdomen, face and especially the eye area. It can also lead to a sudden increase in body weight or to frequent fluctuations in it. [2]

The most common symptoms that indicate fluid retention in the body are:

  • Swelling (eg feet, ankles)
  • Reduced mobility & flexibility
  • Weight gain (not caused by high calorie intake)
  • Pain or stiffness of the joints
  • Feeling of heaviness – discomfort
  • Reduced skin elasticity
  • Increased waist circumference


Causes of water retention

Fluid retention is a fairly common condition and can be caused by 1 or more factors (eg diet, physical activity, medication, heart and kidney problems). [2]

The main causes are:

1.Hormonal imbalance

During pregnancy, menopause and premenstruation (premenstrual syndrome), fluid retention is very common in women, due to hormonal changes that occur during the corresponding periods. [11]

Changes in the levels of various hormones significantly affect the balance of fluids in the body, leading to retention. Fluid retention related to pregnancy and the premenstrual period is a transient condition and gradually subsides. [11]

2.Insufficient physical activity

Lack of physical activity contributes greatly to fluid retention, especially in the lower extremities. [2]

This can also happen to people who normally have adequate physical activity, in case of long hours of sitting or standing and long flights. [2]


People who are overweight very often experience fluid retention, which is mainly found in the torso, legs and arms. [12]

4.Unbalanced diet

It has been shown that an unbalanced diet (frequent consumption of ready-to-eat meals, insufficient hydration, etc.) contributes to fluid retention. [2]

Most of the problem is usually due to excessive salt intake and reduced potassium & water intake. [13]

5.Pathological conditions

 There are diseases, including various heart and kidney problems, that can lead to fluid retention, in each case for different reasons and in different parts of the body. [2]

Also, poor blood circulation and especially lymph congestion can lead to edema, and often causes cellulite. [2]


Many of the widely used medications often cause fluid retention in the body. [2]

7.Very low protein intake

Extremely low protein intake through diet can lead to fluid retention & very severe flatulence (bloating).

8.Infections and allergies

The normal reactions of our body in case of infection or allergy cause, among other things, temporary swelling.


Dealing with water retention

Since fluid retention is mild and not due to a pathological condition that requires special approach and treatment, there are several natural ways to manage and treat it.

However, it is recommended that older people, women during pregnancy, and people with one or more underlying diseases consult their doctor regarding the management of fluid retention.

Here are some simple but effective tips for restoring fluid balance in the body:

  • Decrease salt consumption

The most common piece of advice given to people with fluid retention is to limit their salt intake, as the sodium it contains binds a significant amount of water to the body. In food it can be replaced by various fresh herbs. [2] [3] [4]

It is worth noting that salt is found in almost all commercial foods and not just those that are objectively salty. Therefore, its levels in the various products purchased should be checked.

  • Limit your sugar intake

Avoid sweets and do not forget that, as in the case of salt, most foods on the market contain hidden sugar that are often overlooked.

  • Consume enough water

Although many people believe that water intake should be limited to avoid fluid retention, this is not the case.

It is recommended to consume plenty of fluids and especially water, as well as foods rich in water (eg fruits, vegetables). This way fluid balance in the body is maintained and renal function is supported.

  • Increase potassium, magnesium & vitamin B6 consumption

Numerous studies have shown that increased intake of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 helps reduce fluid retention. [8]

Potassium contributes to fluid balance in the body, magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance and vitamin B6 helps regulate the body’s hormonal activity, which can often be due to fluid retention.

The above micronutrients are found in many foods. For example, potassium is found in bananas, potatoes, and tomatoes, and magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, and whole grains. Finally, vitamin B6 is found in legumes, fatty fish and various fruits.

  • Avoid alcohol consumption

It is recommended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as they contribute to the dehydration of the body.

  • Increase your physical activity

Make sure you move enough and do not stand still (sitting or standing) for a long time continuously. Exercise improves circulation and helps treat fluid retention.

In addition, it helps to lift your legs at regular intervals during the day, as well as taking a foot bath with cold water. Many also benefit from lymphatic massage.

Regarding eating habits, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet (eg Mediterranean Diet) rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and low in salt, sugar & ready-to-eat foods. Ideally, limit your intake of processed carbohydrates (white bread, spaghetti, etc.) and prefer whole grains (oats, brown bread, brown rice, quinoa). [3]


Herbs against water retention

Many herbs are used to treat fluid retention, especially those with a natural diuretic effect. They can be taken both in the form of tea and as a dietary supplement containing one or more of these herbal aids. [5]

Of course they should be consumed in moderation to avoid excessive urination, which is by no means desirable, as it can lead to side effects (e.g. dehydration). [2]

The most studied and widely used herbs for their beneficial action, in terms of fluid retention, are the following:

1.Lemon verbena (Aloysia citriodora)

Helps detoxify the body and reduce fluid retention, thanks to its diuretic properties. In addition, it helps relieve stress and digestive problems such as bloating and constipation.

2.Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.)

It is an herb rich in micronutrients (silicon, potassium, manganese, etc.) and other beneficial compounds (e.g. phytosterols, phenolic derivatives). In addition to its beneficial effect on the joints, bones, hair, skin and nails, it also has a diuretic effect, helping to reduce fluid retention. [10]

3.Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Nettle is a valuable herb that is traditionally used, among other things, as a natural diuretic. Helps eliminate excess fluids, thus reducing swelling and providing relief from annoying water retention.


Birch has a diuretic effect and is known for the benefit it provides in cases of coexistence of fluid retention & cellulite. At the same time, it contributes to the detoxification of the body and the decongestion of the lymph.


Although used primarily as a spice, parsley appears to help reduce fluid retention. It contains a number of nutrients, including potassium, and has a diuretic effect. [6] [7]

6.Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)

Juniper Berry has been used since ancient times for its beneficial properties. It has a diuretic effect and contributes to the decongestion and detoxification of the body. [14]

7.Corn Silk (Maydis stigma)

Corn silk contains valuable vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. The above ingredients provide, among other things, diuretic & detoxifying action. [7]


Hibiscus is an herb indicated for the treatment of constipation & fluid retention. It is rich in polysaccharides and flavonoids, helps improve digestion and has a mild diuretic & laxative effect.

9.Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Taraxacum, also known as dandelion, is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years as a herbal remedy for various conditions, while it is a source of many nutrients such as potassium. Also, the extracts of its leaves have a mild diuretic effect. [5] [9]

Dandelion has been shown to help, among other things, detoxify the kidneys, treat transient fluid retention, and relieve the symptoms of mild indigestion. [5] [9]

10.Green coffee and green tea

They contain a number of antioxidants, help detoxify the body and reduce fluid retention. They are widely used as an aid in reducing edema, weight loss and treating cellulite.

Other herbs with a natural diuretic effect, which can help reduce fluid retention, are Uva ursi (bearberry), Solidago and Garlic (Allium sativum). [5] [7]



Water retention is a phenomenon that concerns millions of people around the world. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, with proper nutrition, exercise, and limited salt intake, is the most ideal way to get rid of excess fluids.

At vita4you.gr you will find many products for water retention.

Maria Malteza

Maria Malteza

Malteza Maria, MSc, BSc Dietitian - Nutritionist, specializing in Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional Evaluation and Nutritional Supplements.



The content of this blogspot is not and can not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided to readers solely for informational purposes. There is no intention to substitute this content for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment.

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